TORK continues with heavy lift Investment
by AJOT  • Nov 10, 2015
New Canada government backs Keystone pipeline
by Reuters  • Nov 05, 2015
Marine generator sets navigate to china
by AJOT  • Nov 04, 2015
Athens dolphins on the move again.
by AJOT  • Oct 26, 2015
Saudi transport projects going ahead as scheduled
by Reuters  • Oct 25, 2015
Aal & Peter Döhle launch operations in Italy
by AJOT  • Oct 22, 2015
Loadline moves aircraft engine CFM56-7B
by AJOT  • Oct 21, 2015

Whats this about?

It is the “uncontained” shipments that draw a lifetime allegiance of purveyors of the business. As one MPV (Multi Purpose Vessel) analyst bluntly said as an aside, “Boxes are boring.”

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