Wholesale Electricity and Natural Gas Market Data
Aug 05, 2016
Region Electricity Hub Name ICE Electricity Product Name Natural Gas Hub Name ICE Natural Gas Product Name
New England Mass Hub Nepool MH DA LMP Peak (from 2001) Algonquin Algonquin Citygates
PJM PJM West PJM WH Real Time Peak (from 2001) TETCO-M3 TETCO-M3
Midwest Indiana Hub Indiana Hub RT Peak (from 2006) Chicago Citygates Chicago Citygates
Texas ERCOT North ERCOT North 345KV Peak (from 2014) Henry Hub Henry
Northwest Mid-C Mid C Peak (from 2001) Malin Malin
Northern California NP-15 NP15 EZ Gen DA LMP Peak (from 2009) PG&E - Citygate PG&E - Citygate
Southwest Palo Verde Palo Verde Peak (from 2001) Socal-Ehrenberg Socal-Ehrenberg
Southern California SP-15 SP15 EZ Gen DA LMP Peak (from 2008)
SP-15 Peak (2001 to 2009) Socal-Citygate Socal-Citygate
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