Air Cargo Community Frankfurt (ACCF) is welcoming Felix Toepsch as its new Executive Director. On 1 January 2023 he will be stepping into the shoes of Joachim von Winning, who has held this role since 2015. Felix Toepsch is deputed to the Executive Board as a Fraport employee. Mr Toepsch , who has a degree in economics, will work alongside Grit Engelbart, who is staying on as Co-Director.
Joachim von Winning is taking on a new challenge within the Cargo department of Fraport in business development and will continue to promote the expansion of air cargo growth. "I have achieved my goal of establishing the Community at the site and drawing on the collective efforts of all. After seven years, I am ready to take on a new professional challenge," explains von Winning.
Joachim von Winning took on the role of ACCF Executive Director two years after the association was founded and worked intensively on the network ethos. "It is thanks to him that the members of the Community support each other mutually today, even though they are technically in competition with each other," says Henning Dieter, Chairman of the Air Cargo Community. "This co-operation has enabled joint projects, carried out in the past few years by the Community, while also increasing the attractiveness of our site. Von Winning expanded the Air Cargo Conference, the annual industry event in Frankfurt, turning it into a successful and well-recognised event," adds Dieter.
Felix Toepsch, who has worked for Fraport since 2013, will bring his extensive experience in innovation and digitisation projects to the Air Cargo Community. In his current role, he promotes projects which focus on urban air mobility and business process development. He also works actively in national and European associations beyond Fraport.
The new Executive Director will continue the Air Cargo Community's projects, putting them back into focus. The network ethos of ACCF and professional events like the Air Cargo Conference will be pursued. "We also want to identify strategic themes for the future with the members, and tackle them together. This includes sustainability, recruiting highly skilled staff and developing efficient processes between air cargo partners," says Felix Toepsch.
For Dr. Pierre Dominique Prümm, Executive Board Member for Aviation and Infrastructure at Fraport and member of the ACCF Executive Board, the deputising of another Fraport employee is a sign that the company is standing by its commitment. "Many challenges in the freight industry require innovative solutions. Digitisation is increasingly gaining importance. Felix Toepsch is the right partner for the Community to further develop the FRA Cargo together with all members and give it strong foundations for the future."
Air Cargo Community Frankfurt e.V. is a union of prestigious companies, institutions and associations who have the goal of promoting and further developing Frankfurt as a location for air cargo. Its more than 50 members represent every stage of the air cargo process chain. The Community works together on strategic joint projects. The members play an active part in cross-company groups of experts to implement improvements for FRA. The joint goal is to strengthen Frankfurt Airport as number 1 for European air cargo business and as a leading cargo hub. Processing over 2.3 million tonnes of air cargo (2021) and with 14,000 people employed in the cargo industry, Frankfurt Airport is expected to continue to grow dynamically in the coming years, and gain an even greater proportion of the worldwide cargo volumes.
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