SSA Terminals (Seattle Terminals), LLC (“SSAT/ST”), a joint venture between SSA Marine, Matson, Inc. and Terminal Investment Ltd., and The Northwest Seaport Alliance will welcome two, new ZPMC Super Post-Panamax cranes to the North Harbor marking a significant milestone in Phase Two of the Terminal 5 Modernization Project.

After spending several weeks traveling from Shanghai to Seattle, the cranes will conclude their journey through the Puget Sound to Elliott Bay on Friday, November 17th. SSAT/ST is the owner and future operator of the cranes, which will join the four existing Super Post-Panamax cranes currently operating at Terminal 5.

Standing 316 feet tall with a 240-foot outreach boom, the cranes are among the largest along the U.S. West Coast. Each crane can handle vessels with containers stacked 10 high and 25 wide on deck, providing increased capacity and job opportunities for the region.

In addition to the two new Super Post-Panamax cranes, SSAT/ST will also be unloading three ZPMC hybrid rubber tire gantry (“RTG”) cranes from the vessel at Terminal 5. RTG cranes manage, move, and deliver container cargo at marine terminals and these hybrid RTGs will mark one of the first investments in hybrid cargo handling equipment in the NWSA gateway.

The Zhen Hua 27 vessel will be transiting through the Puget Sound and will be visible from multiple viewpoints across the area. The public is invited the keep a look-out for this large vessel and utilize the NWSA’s viewpoint map to get a view of the cranes as they make their way through Puget Sound.

What: Super Post-Panamax Crane Arrival

Hybrid Rubber Tire Gantry Crane Arrival

When: Friday, November 17, 2023

Arrival near Port Angeles ~2:00pm

Arrival near Seattle ~7:00pm

Where: Through the Puget Sound waterway, see below images for suggested lookout locations.