Positive outlook for FLNG market after OPEC’s production cut
by SMi Group
Dec 06, 2016
After OPEC’s announcement to cut their oil production last week, many are speculating that this will be a positive move for the Floating Liquefied Natural Gas Market (FLNG). Bloomberg reported that OPEC’s decision will provide more opportunities for global LNG’s exporters.* Despite the volatile market conditions, the floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) market is developing quickly. This couple with the recent cut in oil production might very well presents a new landscape for the current FLNG market. New and current players in the market will need to act very quickly to take advantage of latest opportunities.
Following this, SMi is delighted to announce that the Floating LNG conference taking place on 13th-14th February 2017 will share exclusive insight on the status of current and potential FLNG projects, the latest LNG opportunities as well as cover the impact of oil production cut on the FLNG market.
Key presentations include:
Prospects for Floating LNG – the worldwide outlook – Douglas Westwood
LNG opportunities in Western Australia - Western Australia European Office
FLNG opportunities for the East Med - EC Cyprus Natural Hydrocarbons Company Ltd (eCNHC)
How FSRUs can accelerate the demand growth for LNG in East of Suez? - FGE
Other notable presenters include: KBR, Enagas, Aragon, International Energy Agency, Moffatt & Nichol, Forbes Communications, Holmwood Consulting Limited, EC Cyprus Natural Hydrocarbons Company Ltd, Douglas West-Wood, Amec Foster Wheeler Iberia, Affinity Ship, Penguin Energy Consultants, FGE, Norton Rose Fulbright LLP and many more.
Over 15 key presentations featuring latest topics on Floating LNG: Global prospects for floating LNG, worldwide development of FSRUs, overcoming key technology challenges from liquefaction through to regasification, the influence of geopolitics on the supply and demand of FLNG, how the oil – gas price margin impact the FLNG market and much more.
The event agenda also includes two post conference workshops, taking place on 15th February 2017:
Workshop A: Developing a FLNG Project. Hosted by Penguin Energy Consultants.
Workshop B: Legal and commercial issues affecting the FLNG industry. Hosted by Norton Rose Fulbright LLP.
For those looking to attend, there is a £100 early bird saving available online ending on 16th December 2016.
Further information is available at http://www.floating-lng.co.uk/ajot
*Source: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-11-30/opec-deal-is-bad-news-for-u-s-gas-and-good-news-for-lng-market
5th annual Floating LNG 2017
13th-14th February 2017
Copthorne Tara Hotel, London, UK
Sponsors and Delegates Registration: Contact Andrew Gibbons on +44(0) 207 827 6156, [email protected]
Media: Contact Theresa Chung on [email protected]
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It is the “uncontained” shipments that draw a lifetime allegiance of purveyors of the business. As one MPV (Multi Purpose Vessel) analyst bluntly said as an aside, “Boxes are boring.”
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