The Oakland Board of Port Commissioners approved a $19.3 million deal to buy solar power for 20 years. The Port of Oakland is a publicly owned utility and will resell the renewable power to tenants at San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport and the Oakland Seaport.

“The Port continues to build its long-term renewable energy portfolio demonstrating our commitment to sustainability, which benefits our customers, community, and environment,” said Port of Oakland Chief Operating Officer Kristi McKenney. “Energy pricing can be unpredictable, so entering into a long-term agreement guarantees a fixed price for our energy costs."

The Port has a goal of zero-emissions operations at its seaport and airport. Renewable energy agreements, like this one, help the Port move closer to achieving that goal.

Under the agreement, the Port will buy approximately eight (8) megawatts (MW) of renewable solar energy annually from Grace Orchard Energy Center, LLC (Grace Solar Facility), located in Riverside County, California. As a comparison, 8 MW of power would supply electricity for roughly 6,400 homes a year.

Solar is one of the main renewable energy sources the Port uses, along with power from small hydroelectric, geothermal, biomass, and biowaste. The Grace Solar Facility is slated to come online in the summer of 2027 and the Port of Oakland purchase agreement begins December 2027.