'We are aware of the fact that operating and marketing of vessels capacity is not sufficient if we strive for a leading role in this high end cargo market. Many projects in this range follow a different sales cycle and delivery process if compared to our traditional business, especially regarding the required transport engineering.' explains Svend Andersen, Managing Director of BBC Chartering. 'We can clearly see the benefits of a project oriented organization for these types of cargo. By the end of 2013 we plan to operate 22 vessels in this segment. This requires us to step up and assume our responsibility as competitive player in this segment. We are committed to follow this call.'
To this end the company has also hired Roberto Frigeni who will be in charge of the new BBC project division which is set up as a cross-functional service unit. Mr. Frigeni brings in more than 18 years experience in the project cargo and heavy lift sector. 'We have installed a global team of experts that puts a distinct focus on project related activities.' says Mr. Frigeni. 'We are prepared and we will continue to strengthen the world wide setup of our services supplying the required resources which will enable us to effectively manage and deliver on project tenders and their engineering requirements. The transport engineering represents a weighty line of action.'
The company says it will use its three global service hubs Leer, Singapore and Houston for the set up of its project division activities. Leer will be instrumental in coordinating the local and global tender management and sales engineering efforts but also provides centrally located shared services for transport engineering, research and development and HSEQ management.
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