For B & B International, member to the Worldwide Project Consortium (WWPC) for France, 2016 starting full speed ahead into this year as they assist their customer climb onto the Andes. Indeed, among other projects, B & B Intl. started the shipment of another ropeway for the Kuelap Fortress located in the north of Peru. This ropeway will start from the city of Nuevo Tingo and join the fortress through a climb of 663 m over 4 km and a will reach a max altitude of 3070 meters.  Often compared to the world renowned site of Machu Picchu, this fortress was used from the 11th to the 15th century before being abandoned. It was rediscovered in the 19th Century and is attracting more visitors every year due to its unique sights between the Cordillera and the Amazonian Jungle  Due to its high altitude the city is engulfed in clouds, which earned its inhabitants the name of “cloud warriors” Shipped from France POL Fos/mer and Italy (Genoa) to the discharge Port of Paita, the project represents around 150 containers dry, OT and OOG plus some oversized and heavy cargo (pulley /reels).  B & B international has been able to count on the support of SOLOT PERU, the WWPC member for Peru, whose expertise whether in administration (custom & authorizations) or on transport (+/- 60O km of mountain road) has been a great source of assistance.