Express Global Logistics gets power project cargo to Bangladesh
Sep 10, 2014
EXPRESS GLOBAL LOGISTICS PVT.LTD (formerly known as Express Transport), a member of the Worldwide Project Consortium WWPC in India, recently loaded 8094 FRT cargo from Yantai to Mongla for a Power Project in Bangladesh.
15 modules and drums, weighing from 115 tons up to 158 tons with dimensiones of 26.78 (L) x 4.80 (W) x 2.81 (H) m and 13.39 (L) x (W)2.97 x 3.58 (H) m respectively.
EXG chartered a suitable oceanvessel for this 8094 freightton cargo. Considering the extremely dense timing for this movement , EXG managed to convince the performing carrier to skip the next port of call after Yantai and divert the vessel directly to Mongla resulting in a shorter transit time of 18 Days only.
For smooth loading operation of these units, members of the EXG project team had personally visited Yantai to ensure the completion of the shipment within time frame. The challenge was to arrange the vessel matching cargo laycan at Yantai Port. Another difficult task was to arrange an 18 Axel Hydraulic truck to bring the Modules alongside the chartered vessel, as only one single 18 Axel truck was available at the port at the time of actual loading. However due to excellent Loading, Stowing, Sea Fastening planning the cargo loading processed and the loading operation were completed well in time at the load port.
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