Delta Maritime active in advanced RO/RO services in Piraeus port
Sep 01, 2015
Delta Maritime, member to the Worldwide Project Consortium (WWPC) network for Greece, arranged complicated transshipment formalities in Piraeus port as well as RO/RO sea transport from Piraeus to Ashdod, Israel.
The cargo, consisting of two Caterpillar D10T (7,1x3,16x3,23/ 54 tons each) plus 30 tons static pieces in bulk, arrived ex Australia to Piraeus by WWL RO/RO vessel and successfully transshipped onto Neptune's RO/RO vessel in a short time, enabling the customer of Delta to avoid extra charges for storages, crane services and demurrages.
Whats this about?
It is the “uncontained” shipments that draw a lifetime allegiance of purveyors of the business. As one MPV (Multi Purpose Vessel) analyst bluntly said as an aside, “Boxes are boring.”
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