BNSF Logistics, member to the Worldwide Project Consortium (WWPC) for the USA, arranged the transit for a 22 ton Oshkosh Striker Airport Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF) truck from Oshkosh, Wisconsin over 5,382 miles to Barrow, Alaska. The initial plan involved trucking the Oshkosh Striker to Seattle, Washington for steamship transfer to Anchorage, then channel passage to Barrow via barge.

But - Mother Nature had other plans.

During transit, the Barge Authority notified BNSF Logistics that unseasonably early ice blocked the channel to Barrow. BNSF Logistics devised a creative solution: transfer the ARFF vehicle from Anchorage to Fairbanks on a special trailer; winterize and prep for the 200 mile journey to Deadhorse, Alaska and storage until the road connecting Deadhorse to Barrow became passable. BNSF Logistics monitored weather conditions closely for swift action when the road was clear. Two snowcats equipped with a specialized trailer moved the Oshkosh Striker for successful delivery.